City of Elberton
P.O. Box 70
Elberton, GA 30635
(706) 213-3100

Minutes & Agendas

City Council Meetings:
  • Date: First Monday of each month unless a holiday
  • Time: 5:30 p.m.
  • Location: City Hall 203 Elbert Street, Council Chambers
  • Meeting Dates

For a copy of the agenda or to be placed on the agenda, please contact Elberton City Clerk Cindy Churney at (706) 213-3105.


The City of Elberton provides online access as a service to the citizens of Elberton, and documents online are made available for the convenience of the public. Every effort is made to keep information provided online accurate and up to date. Even so, the City Clerk’s Office may have revised or added information that is not posted online. If discrepancies exist between the print and online versions, the print version, together with any revisions or additions, shall be considered correct. To determine if any revisions or additions have been made to a particular document, please contact the City Clerk.