City of Elberton
P.O. Box 70
Elberton, GA 30635
(706) 213-3100

Financial Reports

Through the City of Elberton’s commitment to transparency, the approved budget for the active fiscal year and financial reports from previous fiscal years are available for the public to review.

Please note that fiscal years run from July 1 of a given year to June 30 of the following calendar year. For example, fiscal year 2023 begins July 1, 2022 and ends June 30, 2023.

Finance Department

The Finance Department organizes and coordinates the budget process, produces a budget for the City Manager, and provides information to the Council during the adoption process. The Council has final authority for adopting the Annual Budget as well as establishing the ad valorem property tax levy. Currently, Elberton establishes a tax rate, rolls back the rate in accordance with state law procedures for utilization of the Local Option Sales Tax, and does not levy a property tax. The General Fund operations are primarily funded through Local Option Sales Tax, Fines and Forfeits, charges for services, and utility fund subsidies.

The Finance Department, among other duties, collects revenues and pays bills for the City of Elberton, including payroll for more than 150 employees. Payments, made in person, may be made by credit card or by automatic bank draft. The City will accept credit card payments by phone. For our customers’ convenience, the City of Elberton provides a "one page" billing for all services provided by the City of Elberton.

Finance Department Office
Administration Building
230 N. McIntosh Street, Elberton
Phone: (706) 213-3100
Fax: (706) 213-3125
Chief Financial Officer, Kevin Eavenson