City of Elberton
P.O. Box 70
Elberton, GA 30635
(706) 213-3100

City Manager

The City Manager is responsible for the daily operations of all of the City of Elberton departments and services. Under Article III of the City’s Charter, the City Council selects and appoints the City Manager whose term of office is indefinite. The City Manager is the chief executive officer of the City who is vested with the sole authority over all administrative matters of the City, accountable only to the City Council.

The City Manager is responsible for the administration and direction of all departments of the City including all services. He hires and appoints all employees of the City including all department directors. The duties and responsibilities of the City Manager include enforcing all laws and ordinances of the City, recommending measures necessary for the proficient operation of the City, preparing the annual budget recommendation, preparing reports to the Mayor and City Council on the financial condition and future needs of the City, and all other duties required by ordinance or resolution set forth by the Mayor and City Council. All formal contracts on behalf of the City shall be executed by the City Manager.

In addition to managing the general government, public safety, and public works services of the City, the City Manager is the chief executive for the management of all City utility services including electricity, natural gas, telecommunications, water and wastewater, and solid waste. By an intergovernmental contract with the Downtown Development Authority, the City Manager is the Authority’s agent for managing and operating the Samuel Elbert Hotel project in downtown Elberton.

About the City Manager
Kevin Eavenson was appointed as the interim City Manager of Elberton effective May 13, 2024. Eavenson has worked for the City of Elberton since September 2008. At the time of his appointment as interim city manager, Eavenson was the City’s chief financial officer. Prior to being named chief financial officer in 2020, Eavenson served as the controller and public works director.

With 18 years of managerial and financial accounting experience, Eavenson has a Bachelor of Accounting from the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia.

Aside from his work at the City of Elberton, Eavenson is very engaged in the community. For many years, he has served as treasurer for Camp Harmony, a local nonprofit recreation organization. He is also an active member of Elbert County’s volunteer fire department.

As a native of Elbert County, Eavenson looks forward to serving the citizens of Elberton in this new capacity.