City of Elberton
P.O. Box 70
Elberton, GA 30635
(706) 213-3100



Commonly referred to as a business license, an Occupation Tax Certificate is issued upon the registration of a business and payment of the established fee.

An occupation tax certificate:
  • shall be displayed by the business owner in a conspicuous
    place within the business premises at all times.
  • expires on March 31 of the year following the year in which
    the certificate is issued.
  • is not transferable.

A change of ownership shall be considered in the same light as the termination of a business and the establishment of a new business. Therefore, a new owner must apply for a new occupational tax certificate.

A change in address shall be cause for a business to follow the same procedures as a new business. Please check the zoning prior to signing a new lease or occupying new space, as the location may be one where the business may not be allowed.

Renewals are due January 1-March 31 of each year. Types of licenses:

  • OCCUPATIONAL TAX - This license is required for persons engaging in any business, trade, profession, or occupation within a physical set location or address within the corporate limits of Elberton.
  • PROFESSIONAL - This license is required for each practitioner of a profession within the corporate limits of Elberton unless otherwise excluded specifically by State Law.
  • REGULATORY Required for each person wishing to conduct business within the corporate limits of Elberton who does not have a physical location within the city limits.
  • VENDING OR AMUSEMENT MACHINE Registration is required for all vending and amusement machines that operate within the corporate limits of Elberton.
  • FINANCIAL INSTITUTION - This license is required for all financial institutions that are located within the corporate limits of Elberton.

For any official documents, please contact Elberton City Clerk Cindy Churney at (706) 213-3105.