City of Elberton
P.O. Box 70
Elberton, GA 30635
(706) 213-3100


City of Elberton residents enjoy the convenience of curbside leaf and limb service. To help keep our streets and drainage clean and clear, the City collects yard debris twice per month, alternating pickup for properties east and west of Oliver Street (Ga. Hwy. 77). Click here to find your collection day. Remember, it is unlawful to block any portion of the street with debris.

Specification for the collection service are as follows:

  • Residential yard waste from general, routine cleaning.
  • Bagged leaves and leaves from the side of the street.
  • Yard clippings from hedge and shrubbery trimming, sticks and tree debris when the limbs are under 6 inches in diameter and under 6 feet in length.
  • The maximum acceptable size of a yard debris pile is 5 feet high, 5 feet wide and 10 feet long. Note: A fee of $45 per dump truck load will be charged to remove any debris not meeting this requirement.
  • NO rocks, stumps, hedges, or shrubbery that have been pulled from the ground by the roots or anything with a root ball will be accepted.
  • NO debris from landscaping projects and debris from large tree cuttings or parts of trees will be accepted, even if the homeowner is doing the project.

All debris should be at the front of your property as close to the road as possible, but not in the road, by 8:00 a.m. on Monday of your collection day. It is unlawful to block any portion of the street with debris.

For questions regarding leaf & limb pickup, please contact The City of Elberton Public Works at (706) 213-3190.